This is not undrewoodi: Rothschild, 1909; Novit. Zool. 16 (2): 284 Halisidota underwoodi sjiec. nov. F This s])ecies lias liitlierto liecn mixed np wifii interlineafn, and, more- over, upsets the key to the species in tlie Ihil. Mas. Catalofjiw, for tlie discoidal liand is sometimes joined to the median, forming a V, lint more often not. Differs from inti-rliiii'afa below by the whiter ehiy-buff of the abdomen, by a median and two lateral rows of black spots on the abdomen, Viy the ranch broader and more intense black borders to the grey bands on the legs, the more orange ])ectns. Above the colonr is mnch less bright and greyer than in interUne.atn, and the margins to jiatagia, thorax, and tegnlae are dark sage-green. On the forewing tlie costal patches are orange with narrow black margins, not black with yellow and black margins as in interlineata ; the discoidal band has a black stigma, only not being praeticnlly all black as in ivterlincntu. Hindwing more brownish iiyaline bntf, and abdomen .above much deeper orange. M. Similar, lint has black margins to the orange patches, and the discoidal luid median liands wider. Length of forewing ; 6 30 mm. ; ? 29 mm. Hall. .Talapa, Mexico ; Vera Crnz, Mexico ; Orizaba, Mexico, March— Jnne 1896 (W. Schaus) ; Tuis, Costa Rica ; San Jose, Costa Rica, May and June 1899 (Underwood) ; Chanchamayo, Peru (Schunke) : Rio Hnacamayo, Carabaya, :51imi ft., dry season, Jnne 19II4 (G. R. Ockenden)